“The point of marriage is not happiness. The point of marriage is growth.” And “The key to becoming a truly successful
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“The point of marriage is not happiness. The point of marriage is growth.” And “The key to becoming a truly successful
Continue readingTips from a sex therapist: “Don’t worry about what the current dating style is, or what is politically correct. See what
Continue reading1. Use time outs as a circuit breaker – A time out is a rip stop; it is the cord
Continue readingFighting doesn’t doom a relationship–it is how you fight that does! Read about the 5 ways to stay close from Psychology Today!
Continue readingOur search for healthy love is one defining mission of our lives. Yet most popular dating recommendations build on a fatally flawed
Continue readingWatch a relationship psychologist talk about the meaning of a committed relationship, and how to get there!
Continue readingDoes Emotional Stress Affect Physical Health? Yes. We’ll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain.
Continue readingHow to conflict-proof sibling relationships? Give space to your child’s feelings about the new baby: limit behavior, not emotions. Share with
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