What is an initial consultation?
An initial consultation will be our first contact. The purpose of the initial consultation is for us to see if working with me will be helpful to you. I can get a sense of what you two as a couple need help with, and you can get a sense of how I work. We will also discuss what areas of difficulties required attention if we continue with therapy.
An initial consultation is typically 3 sessions for couples. At the end of the consultation period we can talk about whether continuing with therapy feels helpful.
How long is your session? And how often do we meet?
Initial consultation sessions as well as ongoing therapy sessions are weekly and 50 mins long. However, some couples find 50 mins to be short and prefer a longer session (1 session is 50 mins, 1.5 sessions are 75 mins).
What is your cancellation policy?
During the initial consultation period I have a 48 hour cancellation policy. If after the initial consultation period (which is 3 sessions long for couples) a decision is made to continue with therapy then I will reserve a time for you each week. You will be responsible for that time. Missed sessions will be charged.
How long is therapy?
There isn’t a pre-determined number of sessions a couple should attend. Rather, the length of therapy is determined by the needs of the couple, and what they would like to achieve through couples therapy. The nature, scope, and history of the presenting concerns are also factors to consider. Questions around this can be further addressed during the initial consultation.
We would like to know what couples therapy is like and what to expect.
Like individuals, no two couples are completely alike, and so it might not be very helpful to generalize, since each couple’s dynamic, needs, and situation are unique. However, the goal of couples therapy is to provide a space for two partners to listen to and understand each other. The process typically starts with partners discussing their concerns and the circumstances around those concerns. History of the relationship, problems that create difficult feelings, previous attempts to address problems, and partners’ unmet needs are some of the common foci at the start.
This article contains more information about couples therapy (vs couple counseling) and might be helpful to you.
Do you see us jointly or individually?
Because people come to couples therapy to work on their relationship, couples sessions are joint. However, sometimes partners in a couple would request an individual session. We can discuss further as to what feels helpful depending on what the couple is going through.
Can you provide a free phone call prior to an initial consultation (the first meeting)?
Given the time constraint of a short phone call, I find that it tends to be difficult to have the space to learn more about your concerns or questions, and to respond to them in a way that’s thorough, thoughtful and sensitive. Though I mainly reserve WhatsApp for scheduling matters, if you have a simple, straightforward question regarding my services, I will be happy to answer it via text messages. However, with substantive questions, I will be happy to address them with you during an initial consultation, where we have the time and space to attend to them more fully.
What if my partner refuses to go to couples therapy?
Please review this for ideas on how to approach your partner. For some couples the need to go to therapy is a conversation that happens more than once over a span of time (weeks or months). It will be important to listen to your partner’s concerns so they feel respected and listened to, but be firm about your own view that it is what you want, as you believe it will help. Sometimes partners will agree to at least try when you communicate clearly about what is on the line for the relationship.
How do I decide if I need an individual OR couples therapist?
I tend to recommend people to come in individually first if they feel unsure. After we discuss the issues that require attention, we can then sort out what will be a more helpful approach.
I need BOTH an individual and a couples therapist. Can you be both?
I can only be your individual OR couples therapist. Having said that, my experience is that some people find it helpful to have their own course of individual therapy alongside coupes therapy. I will be happy give you a referral to see someone for a separate course of therapy.